“Friends of the Pier” sells first 100 Planks for the Pier

1200 Planks Still for Sale

June 12, 2019

White Rock, BC: The Friends of the Pier Volunteer Fundraising Committee today announced that it has sold its first 100 planks for the new White Rock Pier. Planks sell for $1000 each and will carry the name of the donor, all part of the committee’s efforts to raise some $2 million towards the cost of building a new White Rock Pier.

“We’ve hit our first milestone with 100 planks sold, and we’ve only just started our marketing campaign,” said Bob Bezubiak, manager of the TD Bank in White Rock and chair of the Friends of the Pier. “We’re ramping up our sales efforts now and we’re reaching out to businesses, realtors, service clubs, neighbourhoods and even schools and their PACs. Anyone can buy a plank and put their name on it as a way of showing their support and community spirit.”

Buying a plank for the pier is easy, with details at friendsofthepier.com.

“The pier was originally built in 1914, but the storm damage last December was so severe that the whole pier needs to be replaced to meet modern building standards and codes. But it will still have a wooden plank deck and that’s where buying a plank for the pier comes in. Every dollar from every plank goes towards building the pier because our volunteer committee has made sure there are no overhead or administrative costs associated with our fundraising.”

Bezubiak said plans are also underway for a special 300-person chefs tasting reception and fundraiser at Oceana Parc in September. The reception will feature signature dishes from local chefs and restaurants, including Vikram Vij of My Shanti and Matt Stowe of the Joey Restaurant Group and winner of the Food Network’s Top Chef Canada series. Tickets for “Plates for the Pier” go on sale the first week of July with details at friendsofthepier.com.

“Seeing White Rock and South Surrey coming out to support the rebuilding of the White Rock Pier speaks volumes about local community spirit,” added Bezubiak. “There’s plenty to do, but everyone knows how important the pier is to our community and region, and people want to be part of its rebuilding.”



Twitter: @PierFriends
Facebook @PierFriends
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Media contacts:

Bob Bezubiak, TD Bank
604 541 7100 ext.250
